August 15, 2008

September 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Chef Tahya. "39"

Menu for the birthday dinner:

2005 Crauford "Highland" Sauvignon Blanc
Assorted Cheeses and crackers
Fig and Proscuitto Flatbreads
Leftover Turkey Sub sandwich (thanks Ramin)

1995 Saintsbury "Reserve" Pinot Noir
1996 Domaine Carneros Pinot Noir
1996 Steele Pinot Noir
2005 Reininger "Helix" Merlot
2005 Saint Laurent Merlot
2006 Substance "Me" Merlot
2003 Garretson "The Craic" Syrah
2003 Torbreck Cuvee Juveniles

Sauteed Spinach with toasted almonds and golden raisins
Oven roasted new potatoes
Pork Loin stuffed with dried apples, dried cranberries and spices

NV Nicolas Feuillatte Rose'
Assorted pastries from Scratch Pastry shop Scratch Pastries

NV BV Muscat de Beaulieu

Cigars on the Patio


Sandy said...


InVinoVeritas said...

i talked to tahya and he said he wanted something really good. apparently, he was not too impressed with the food at sandy's italian fest. he did say he liked the lasagne, though...and the cake.

Chef T said...

Ultimately sad when you're not impressed with your own food. But alas, what is one to do? Chef Tahya's chocolate cake was really very good and he and I are both not cake eaters. Maybe he'll give me the cake recipe so I can post it.

InVinoVeritas said...

I don't think it's sad when a cook is not impressed with his own food, i think it displays the all-to-rare, unbiased opinion. One who can detach from one's ego and see, or in this case, taste, a dish prepared by himself and realize that it could be better, is not to be pitied.

Too often, a person who makes something thinks it is intrinsically good, for no greater reason than that of making it himself. If everybody had an ego with this perspective, nobody would seek to improve themselves. For example, if a competitive sprinter thinks that running a 50 yard dash in 30 seconds is not very impressive, that is not sad. It's just true. So in the case of someone not being too impressed with his own cooking just means that he thinks he can do better. In my case, I think I could have done much better. So, reserve pity for the homeless, the inferm, etc., and be happy that I want to make better food for everyone.

InVinoVeritas said...

btw, you have less than 48 hours to post the menu. you're slower than g.w. bush is at helping people after a hurricane. vite!

Sandy said...

Thats there some good reading there boys! All serious and shit. LOL.
Gettin hungry. Keep the I on the prize!! FOOD

InVinoVeritas said...

Anything BUT pork roast is fine with me.

InVinoVeritas said...

do you still need more time to post the menu. i realize 4 weeks is kind of short notice for something as complex a one dinner.

Chef T said...

This petrarch blogger has got a real attitude. Must be one of those people with nothing to do but sit around and surf the web. Chill out Petri Dish and relax...

InVinoVeritas said...

Obviously, you think you're the only one allowed to bitch on a blog. It's your blog, if you don't want comments, then turn off the ability for people to make them. That would be so much nicer than criticizing the people who actually read your blog, and take the time to post comments. maybe there's a class you could take or a primer you could read on how to moderate comments...or at least moderating YOUR keyboard.

InVinoVeritas said...

Very FUN birthday dinner. Thanks Chef T for all your hard work of cooking and hosting. I know how much it takes just to have people over for hotdogs, let alone what you pulled off. thanks Mike for the wines and cigars, thanks Sandy for the wines and pastries. BTW, The Columbia Crest Two Vines Shiraz (Syrah) is a fantastic substitute for the Garretson Syrah, costs about 27 bucks less, too. Quick story...I know a Certified Sommelier (i'll call her N. D.)who used to work at Mary Elaine's and in a sort of Pepsi-Challenge, picked the Columbia Crest over the Garretson. Just fyi.

Excellent pizza of fig, gorgonzola, prosciutto, et al, Chef T!